Showing posts with label Kiss Goodbye 171. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kiss Goodbye 171. Show all posts

14 November 2014

Swatch: Kleancolor - Kiss Goodbye 171


Colour: Holographic glitter (pink, silver, blue) in clear base
Finish: Holographic
Opacity: The photo is two coats over ELF Chocolate, difficult to reach a full opacity without being too many thick coats.
Brush Type: Standard
How Much? 15ml
Other: This polish has a very potent smell.

18 December 2012

Holographic Holiday Challenge: Holiday Traditions

A tradition we have is wrapping a gift in multiple layers of paper, as sort of a pass the parcel without the passing. The holographic polish I have used is Kleancolor - Kiss Goodbye 171, over ELF - Medium Red.