Seeing it is almost the end of 2018 it is time for my annual nail polish battle. I find it interesting to look back over the year at the new polishes I have gotten and seeing which ones are my favourites.
So since last years nail polish battle I have 63 new nail polishes which is 10 more than last year.. Oops! Today I am looking at yellow, gold and beige ones.
China Glaze - Werk It Honey! // OPI - Gift of Gold Never Gets Old // ELF - Glamour Girl // Barry M - Sunburst // Barry M - Ginger // A England - Briarwood
The first thing was to work out my top three;
China Glaze - Werk It Honey is a almost opaque in one coat, not something I would wear as is but something I have gotten quite a lot of wear from in the form of nail art this year.
Barry M - Sunburst, is a peach holographic polish. Originally when I saw this release I decided I didn't need it, however once I had seen it in store I changed my mind because it would be unique to my collection.
And the winner is,
A England - Briarwood! I chose this as the winner as it is darker than the others, something I have been wearing recently and it is a beautiful autumnal holographic polish.